Sabtu, 16 Ogos 2014

Buku-buku 1

Ogos 2014

1. The Tale of Murasaki, Liza Dalby
2. The Guide, R.K Narayan
3. Interpreter of Maladies, Jhumpa Lahiri
4. Konsep Syariah Dalam Sistem Perbankan Islam, BIRT Sdn Bhd
5. The Japanese Mind, Davies/Ikeno
6. Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu
7. Hanya Sampai di Sini, Talib Samad
8. I Think Therefore I Am, Lesley Levene
9. Pertembungan Tamadun dan Pembentukan Semula Orde Dunia, Samuel P. Huntington
10. Introduction to Political Science, Abdul Rashid Moten/Syed Serajul Islam