Ahad, 1 Januari 2017

Buku-buku Tahun 2017

1. Christianophobia: A Faith Under Attack - Rupert Shortt

2. Dilema Melayu - Mahathir bin Mohamad (3rd read)

3. The Upanishads - Eknath Easwaran

4. The Book of Mu: Essential Writings on Zen's Most Important Koan - James Ishmael Ford & Melissa Myozen Blacker (2nd read)

5. Early Kingdoms in Indonesian Archipelago and Malay Peninsular - Paul Michel Munoz

6. The Indianized States in Southeast Asia - George Coedes

7. At the Existentialist Cafe: Freedom, Being and Apricot Cocktails - Sarah Bakewell

8. A History of China - Wolfram Eberhard

9. China and the Legacy of Deng Xiaoping: From Communist Revolution to Capitalist Revolution - Michael E. Marti

10. Ethics - Benedict Spinoza (5th read)

11. Islam and Secularism - Prof. Syed Naquib al-Attas (5th read)

12. Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction - Jan Westerhoff

13. The Anti-Christ - Friedrich Nietzsche (3rd read)

14. The Essence of Vedanta - Brian Hodgkinson

15. The Essence of Buddhism - Jo Durden Smith (2nd read)

16. The ASEAN Miracle - Kishore Mahbubani & Jeffrey Sng

17. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics - John J. Mearsheimer

18. A Contest for Supremacy: China, America and the Struggle for Mastery - Aaron Friedberg

19. China's Foreign Policy - Stuart Harris

20. The Heart Sutra - Kazuaki Takanashi

21. Nagarjuna's Middle Way - Mark Siderits & Shuryu Katsura

22. China and ASEAN: Energy Security, Cooperation and Competition - Zhao Hong

23. Contemporary China - Kerry Brown

24. Indian Philosophy: An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought - Richard King

25. Shadow and Wind: A View of Modern Vietnam - Robert Templer

26. Spinoza - Karl Jaspers (3rd read)

27. A History of Shii Islam - Farhad Daftary (3rd read)

28. China Reader - Orville Schelle and David Shambaugh

29. Islam and the Wisdom of Asian Religions - Yamin Cheng  (2nd read)

30. An Introduction to the History of Sufism - Arthur J. Arberry (2nd read)

31. God, Nature and the Cause: Essays on Islam and Science - Basil Altaie

32. Southeast Asia and the Great Powers - Nicholas Tarling

33. The Twenty Years' Crisis 1919-1939 - E.H. Carr

34. Hard Interests, Soft Illusions - Natasha Hamilton-Hart

35. Party and State in Post-Mao China - Teresa Wright

36. China's Foreign Policy - Stuart Harris

37. Diplomacy - Henry Kissinger

38. Philosophical Investigations - Ludwig Wittgenstein

39. Mystical Dimension of Islam - Annemarie Schimmel

40. Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism - Kurt Rudolph

41. Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Religion - Edited by Robert Arrington & Mark Addis

42. The Scriptures of Won Buddhism: A Translation of Wonbulgyo Kyojon - Bongkil Chung

43. Orientalism - Edward Said

44. The Concept and Reality of Existence - Toshihiko Izutsu

45. Language and Magic - Toshihiko Izutsu

46. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - Ludwig Wittgenstein

47. Blue and Brown Book - Ludwig Wittgenstein

48. On Certainty - Ludwig Wittgenstein

49. Raniri and the Wujudiyyah of 17th Century Acheh - Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas

50. The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness - Peter Dale

51. Orientalism and Religion: Postcolonial Theory, India and the Mystic East - Richard King

52. The Religious Traditions of Japan 500-1600 - Richard Bowring

53. Religion in the Japanese Experience: Sources and Interpretations - H. Byron Earhart

54. Mystics and Zen Masters - Thomas Merton

55. Kant: A Complete Introduction - Robert Wicks

56. The US Strategic Pivot to Asia and Cross Straits Relation: Economic and Security Dynamics: Edited by Peter C.Y. Chow

57. Origins and Evolution of the US Rebalance toward Asia: Diplomatic, Military and Economic Dimension - Edited by Hugo Meijer

58. Asia Pacific Countries and US Rebalancing Strategy - Edited by David W.F. Huang

59. Japanese Religion: Unity and Diversity - H. Byron Earhart

60. Brahma-sutras with Text, Word to Word Translation, English Rendering, Comments and Index - Swami Vireswaranda